Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (2024)

Learn to Write about Your Life and Make It a Career…

Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (1)

As a writer and a writing coach I meet people all the time who long to make a living writing about their personal experiences.

Many of these people have even started a book – a memoir or an autobiography.

They may even have a complete 1st draft for their book.

But the thing is, they don’t really know how to move beyond this point, so they make a living – a good living – writing about the things they know and love (their personal experiences).

In fact, most often these writers either don’t finish their book and get it published, or they get it published but they sell very few copies of the book and then they give up on making any money writing about their personal experiences.

Does this sound like you?

If so, read this…

7 Things You Need to Know if You Want to Write about Your Life and Make a Career of It:

1. You Need to Know the Different Kinds of Materials You Can Create from Your Personal Experiences.

Most writers just think of blog posts, pieces for magazines, and books.

But there are all sorts of other materials that can be created based on personal experience.

And it’s possible to create a strong brand for yourself (see below) as a personal experience writer and move your income up to six or even seven figures a year.

2. You Need to Know How to Generate an Endless Supply of Material to Write About.

Writers who make a good living writing about their personal experiences create a lot of content and they are always writing new material and selling it.

That’s key to success and a great income.

Most people find it difficult to consistently come up with new material and then turn it into something marketable.

Successful writers usually have a system for doing this.

3. You Need to Know Where or How to Consistently Sell Your Work.

Again, consistent sales are key to making a great income writing about your personal experiences.

If you don’t know how or where to sell your work, you’ll give up on this type of writing fairly quickly.

4. You need to know how to turn your real life experiences into marketable pieces.

he key word here is “marketable.”

A marketable piece is a piece that is likely to sell.

Many writers write a lot of personal experience pieces yet they never sell them.

Usually, that’s because the pieces are not marketable for any number of reasons.

You can write about your life until the cows come home, but if your pieces aren’t marketable, you won’t sell them.

It’s that simple.

5. You Need to Know How and When to Effectively Add Humor to Your Work to Make It More Appealing.

Humor can fall flat in a variety of ways.

There are definite “tricks of the trade” to write it effectively so it makes a piece more appealing and more marketable.

6. You Need to Know How to Write with Style and Structure So you Consistently Sell Your Work.

Look at highly successful writers who write about their personal experiences (Dave Barry, David Sedaris, Bailey White, and Anne Lamott come to mind).

They all have a unique style (and structure) that brands them as writers.

Without a unique style, it’s hard to stand out and have readers anxiously waiting for your next blog post, article, book, etc.

7. You Need to Know How to Turn Your Personal Experiences into Your Own Brand of Unique Products and Services to Create Higher and Higher Levels of Income.

Again, there are all sorts of products and services that can be created around personal experiences these days.

Most people only think of books, magazine pieces, or blog posts.

But highly successful writers turn their experiences into many difference products and services, which they sell over and over again.

Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (2)

Try These 7 Steps

These 7 things you need to know are actually 7 steps to making a good living as a personal experience writer.

Are you ready to take these 7 steps and start your writing career or take your current career to the next level?

Try it!

To Your Success,

Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (3)

P.S. Need help?

I can teach you everything you need to know to start making a living writing about your personal experiences when you register for Fearless Freelance Writing, my 10-week e-course and mentoring program.

The next 10-week session starts on Monday, April 27, 2020, and space is limited, so register now to avoid missing out!

Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (4)

Learn more at www.fearlessfreelancewriting.com.

  • Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (5)
  • Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (6)
  • Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (7)
  • Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (8)
  • Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (9)
Write about Yourself and Make a Career of It (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.