VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (2024)

} */ this.hooks = {}; } /** * Hooks a custom callback to an event. * @param {string} key * @param {{(): void}} callback A */ on(key, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(this.hooks[key])) { this.hooks[key] = []; } this.hooks[key].push(callback); } callHook(key, args) { const hook = this.hooks[key]; for (const hook of this.hooks[key]) { hook(args); } } toggleFullScreen() { if (this.isFullScreen) { const supported = exitFullScreen(); = this.defaultZIndex; this.callHook('exitFullscreen', { supported, }); } else { const supported = fullscreenElement(this.element); = this.fullScreenZIndex; this.callHook('enterFullscreen', { supported, }); } this.isFullScreen = !this.isFullScreen; } updateVolumeSliderValue(value) { const min = Number(this.volumeSlider.getAttribute('min')); const max = Number(this.volumeSlider.getAttribute('max')); const gradientPercentage = ((value - min) * 100) / (max - min); = `${gradientPercentage}% 100%`; this.volumeSlider.value = value; } /** * @param {Event} event */ onVolumeSlide(event) { const { value } = event.currentTarget; this.updateVolumeSliderValue(value); this.adjustVolume(value); } /** * An abstract method called when the volume is changed in the slider. * @param {number} value */ async adjustVolume(value) {} /** * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onProgressBarClick(event) { const rect = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = event.clientX - rect.left; // x position within the element. const width = event.currentTarget?.clientWidth || 667; const percentage = x / width; this.pan(percentage); } /** * An abstract method that accepts the progress value retrieved upon clicking the progress bar. * @param {number} percentage * A number from 0-1 that represents * where the progress bar was clicked relative from left to right. */ async pan(percentage) {} showCenteredPlayIcon() { if (!this.iconLayer) { return; } const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ShadowedPlayIcon(`playIcon-${this.uuid}`); const elements = []; for (const child of Array.from(div.children)) { const element = this.iconLayer.appendChild(child); elements.push(element); } this.playIcons = elements; } hideCenteredPlayIcon() { if (this.playIcons.length > 0) { for (const icon of this.playIcons) { icon.classList.add('player-icon-fade-out'); setTimeout(() => { try { icon.remove(); } catch (error) { // Fail silently if element no longer exists. } }, 1000); } this.playIcons = []; } } togglePlaybackButton(toggle) { if (!this.playButton) { return; } if (toggle) { this.playButton.innerHTML = ShadowedPauseIconSmall(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } else { this.playButton.innerHTML = ShadowedPlayIconSmall(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } } toggleMuteButton(toggle) { if (!this.volumeButton) { return; } if (toggle) { this.volumeButton.innerHTML = ShadowedVolumeCross(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } else { this.volumeButton.innerHTML = ShadowedVolumeHigh(`video-player-${this.uuid}`); } } displayPlay() { this.togglePlaybackButton(false); this.hideCenteredPlayIcon(); } displayPaused() { this.togglePlaybackButton(true); this.showCenteredPlayIcon(); } /** * @param {string | number} progress A number from 0-100. */ updateProgressBar(progress) { = `${progress}%`; }}class VimeoVideoPlayer extends VideoPlayer { /** * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {string} videoUrl * @param {any} options - Vimeo.Player.Options * @param {any} customOptions */ constructor(element, videoUrl, options) { super(element); = `${options.maxwidth}px`; = `${options.height}px`; this.options = options; this.videoUrl = videoUrl; // From this.player = new Vimeo.Player(this.videoPlayerContainer, { id: this.getId(videoUrl), autopause: true, ...options, }); this.setupHooks(); this.setupEvents(); if (!options?.autoplay) { this.displayPaused(); } } async pan(percentage) { super.pan(percentage); if (!this.player) { return; } const duration = await this.player.getDuration(); const seek = percentage * duration; this.player.setCurrentTime(seek); } async adjustVolume(value) { super.adjustVolume(value); if (!this.player) { return; } this.player.setVolume(value * 0.01); this.toggleMuteButton(value <= 0); } getId(videoUrl) { if (videoUrl.includes('')) { return videoUrl .replace('https', '') .replace('http', '') .replace('://', '') .replace('://', '') .replace(/\?(.*)/, ''); } return videoUrl; } async togglePlay() { if (!this.player) { return; } const paused = await this.player.getPaused(); if (paused) {; } else { this.player.pause(); } } async toggleMute() { if (!this.player) { return; } const volume = await this.player.getVolume(); const muted = volume <= 0; if (muted) { await this.player.setVolume(1); this.updateVolumeSliderValue(100); this.callHook('unmute'); } else { await this.player.setVolume(0); this.updateVolumeSliderValue(0); this.callHook('mute'); } this.toggleMuteButton(!muted); } async animateProgress() { if (this.player) { const currentTime = await this.player.getCurrentTime(); const duration = await this.player.getDuration(); const progress = (currentTime / duration) * 100; this.updateProgressBar(progress); } window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animateProgress()); } setupHooks() { this.player.on('pause', () => { this.displayPaused(); this.callHook('pause'); }); this.player.on('play', () => { this.displayPlay(); this.callHook('play'); }); // In case the fullscreen API is not supported by the browser, // we handle it here by using Vimeo's default fullscreen API. this.on('enterFullscreen', ({ supported }) => { if (!supported) { this.player?.requestFullscreen(); } }); this.on('exitFullscreen', ({ supported }) => { if (!supported) { // NOTE: no need to handle exit here as it was already // handled by Vimeo. We always request fullscreen // if fullscreen API is not supported by the browser. this.player?.requestFullscreen(); } }); this.animateProgress(); } setupEvents() { if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.togglePlay()); } this.iconLayer.addEventListener('click', () => this.togglePlay()); if (this.volumeButton) { this.volumeButton.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleMute()); } }}

Home VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink

Las Vegas, Nevada

`; } return `

VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (1)

`; }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {string} * @param {string} args.videoIsVertical * @param {number} args.index */ generateVimeoVideoTemplate({ id, videoIsVertical, index }) { const widthClass = videoIsVertical ? 'giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__video-vertical' : 'giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__video'; return `

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${gridItems.join('')} `; this.rootContainer.innerHTML = template; if (this.onItemClick) { const imageItems = this.rootContainer.querySelectorAll('.giftory-gallery-masonry-template--20474375438635__main__image'); for (const image of [...imageItems]) { image.addEventListener('click', () => { const index = Number(image.getAttribute('data-index')); this.onItemClick(index); }); } } }, }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { mainProductGalleryLightboxMasonry.init(); });


`; } return `

VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (2)

`; }, generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }) { const width = 190; const height = 142; if (content.type === 'video') { return `


VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (3)

`; } if (useImageService) { const url = `${width}x${height}/cover/${content?.image?.src}`; return `

VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (4)

`; } return `

VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (5)

`; }, generateVimeoVideoSlide({ id, videoUrl, orientation }) { return `

`; }, clearSlides() { this.mainSwiper.removeAllSlides(); this.thumbnailSwiper.removeAllSlides(); }, setupVimeoPlayers() { const videoIds = this.vimeoPlayerIds; for (const player of this.vimeoPlayers) { if (player?.destroy) { player.destroy(); } } this.vimeoPlayers = []; for (const id of this.vimeoPlayerIds) { const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const container = playerElement.parentElement; const videoUrl = playerElement.getAttribute('data-video-url'); const orientation = playerElement.getAttribute('data-orientation'); let height = 0; let maxheight = this.DESKTOP_SIZES.height; const width = container?.clientWidth || playerElement.clientWidth; if (orientation === 'portrait') { const clampedWidth = this.clamp(width, 0, 400); height = this.clamp((clampedWidth / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x, 0, this.DESKTOP_SIZES.height); } else { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y; maxheight = height; } const options = { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }; if (orientation === 'portrait') { options.maxwidth = 400; } const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, options); this.vimeoPlayers.push(vimeoPlayer); } }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {GalleryContent[]} args.contents - A validated array of gallery contents. * @param {boolean} args.useImageService - whether to use the external image service for fetching images. */ setContents({ contents, useImageService }) { const mainTemplates = []; const thumbnailTemplates = []; this.vimeoPlayerIds = []; this.itemsCount = contents.length; let index = 0; const videoContent = contents.find(content => content.type == 'video'); const videoPosition = `end`; if (videoContent) { contents = contents.filter(content => content.type != 'video'); // sets the video content to the first content of the gallery if (videoPosition == 'start' || !videoPosition) { contents.splice(0, 0, videoContent) } else { // sets the video content to the last content of the gallery contents.splice(contents.length, 0, videoContent); } } for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'image') { const mainSlide = this.generateMainSwiperImageSlide({ content, useImageService }); const thumbnail = this.generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }); mainTemplates.push(mainSlide); thumbnailTemplates.push(thumbnail); } else if (content.type === 'video') { let orientation = 'landscape'; if (content?.video?.width < content?.video?.height) { orientation = 'portrait'; } const id = `mainProductGalleryLightboxSlider-slider-video-${index}`; const mainSlide = this.generateVimeoVideoSlide({ id, videoUrl: content?.video?.videoUrl || '', orientation, }); const thumbnail = this.generateThumbnailSlide({ content, useImageService, index }); this.vimeoPlayerIds.push(id); mainTemplates.push(mainSlide); thumbnailTemplates.push(thumbnail); } index++; } this.clearSlides(); this.mainSwiper.addSlide(0, mainTemplates.reverse()); this.thumbnailSwiper.addSlide(0, thumbnailTemplates.reverse()); }, }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { mainProductGalleryLightboxSlider.init(); });

`; } return `
VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (6)
`; }, generateVimeoVideoSlideTemplate({ id, videoUrl }) { return `
`; }, setupVimeoPlayers({ orientation }) { for (const player of this.vimeoPlayers) { if (player?.destroy) { player.destroy(); } } this.vimeoPlayers = []; for (const id of this.vimeoPlayerIds) { const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const videoUrl = playerElement.getAttribute('data-video-url'); let height = 0; let maxheight = 760; const width = playerElement.clientWidth; if (orientation === 'portrait') { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x; } else { height = (width / this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.x) * this.VIDEO_ASPECT_RATIO.y; maxheight = height; } const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight, autopause: true, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer?.on('play', () => { this.swiper.autoplay.stop(); }); vimeoPlayer?.on('pause', () => { this.swiper.autoplay.start(); }); this.vimeoPlayers.push(vimeoPlayer); this.swiper?.on('slideChange', () => { vimeoPlayer?.player.pause(); }) } }, /** * @param {Object} args * @param {GalleryContent[]} args.contents - A validated array of gallery contents. * @param {boolean} args.useImageService - whether to use the external image service for fetching images. */ setContents({ contents, useImageService }) { const imageTemplates = []; const videoTemplates = []; this.vimeoPlayerIds = []; let index = 0; let orientation = 'landscape'; // process video first for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'video') { // accepts vimeo videos only to display in gallery for mobile const videoUrl = content?.video?.videoUrl; if (videoUrl.includes('')) { // If at least one video is portrait, we render the carousel as portrait. if (content?.video?.width < content?.video?.height) { orientation = 'portrait'; } const id = `mainProductGalleryCarousel-carousel-video-${index}`; const template = this.generateVimeoVideoSlideTemplate({ id, videoUrl: content?.video?.videoUrl || '', }); this.vimeoPlayerIds.push(id); videoTemplates.push(template); } } index++; } this.orientation = orientation; // Reverse the contents array before iterating to match image order in Shopify and AT contents = contents.reverse(); // then image for (const content of contents) { if (content.type === 'image') { const template = this.generateImageSlideTemplate({ content, useImageService, orientation, }); imageTemplates.push(template); } index++; } switch(orientation) { case 'landscape': this.rootContainer.classList.add('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.remove('portrait'); break; case 'portrait': this.rootContainer.classList.remove('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.add('portrait'); break; default: this.rootContainer.classList.remove('landscape'); this.rootContainer.classList.remove('portrait'); break; } const templates = [...videoTemplates, ...imageTemplates]; this.swiper.removeAllSlides(); this.swiper.addSlide(0, templates); const imageSlides = this.rootContainer.querySelectorAll('.giftory-gallery-carousel-template--20474375438635__main__image-slide'); for (const imageSlide of imageSlides) { imageSlide.addEventListener('click', () => { if (this.onClickEvent) { this.onClickEvent(); } }); } this.swiper.slideTo(0); this.setupVimeoPlayers({ orientation, }); }, }; $(document).ready(function(){ $("#placeholderSlide").empty(); });
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer0__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer0.init();
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer1__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer1.init();
`; }, setVimeoVideo(videoUrl) { this.mediaType = 'video'; this.mediaContainer.classList.remove('is-image'); /* */ const id = 'mainProductGalleryContentRenderer2__video-player'; this.mediaContainer.innerHTML = this.generateVimeoVideoTemplate(id); const playerElement = document.getElementById(id); const width = this.rootContainer.clientWidth; const height = this.rootContainer.clientHeight; const vimeoPlayer = new VimeoVideoPlayer(playerElement, videoUrl, { height, maxheight: height, loop: true, muted: true, controls: false, transparent: false, }); vimeoPlayer.on('enterFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.remove('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); vimeoPlayer.on('exitFullscreen', () => { playerElement.classList.add('giftory-gallery-content-renderer-template--20474375438635__main__video-player-border-radius'); }); }, } mainProductGalleryContentRenderer2.init();

Home VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink

Las Vegas, Nevada

Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes


Experience the magic of 'Carpenters Legacy' in Las Vegas, a live show celebrating the iconic duo with performances by Sally Olson and Ned Mills. Enjoy their greatest hits with VIP seating and a complimentary drink.

🎤 Enjoy Sally Olson's captivating portrayal of Karen Carpenter

🎹 Experience Ned Mills channel Richard Carpenter on the piano

🎶 Sing along to timeless hits like “We’ve Only Just Begun” and “Superstar"

🍹 Savor VIP treatment with top-tier seating and a complimentary beverage


When do I choose a date?

After purchase, you can request your preferred dates and times by following the instructions in the email you receive. If it's a gift, the recipient will also get an email with booking instructions.

Monday-Thursday 5:00pm


`; }, /** * @param {Location[]} locations * @param {string} locatedIn */ setLocations: function(locations, locatedIn) { if (! { console.error('The map "mainProductMap"" is not yet initialized.'); return; } this.clear(); this.locations = locations; this.heading.textContent = `Located in ${locatedIn}`; if (locations.length <= 1) { const location = locations[0]; const lat = JSON.parse(; const lng = JSON.parse(location.lng); const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({ lat, lng }); const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map: });; this.markers = [marker]; return; } const coordinates = []; const markers = []; const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); const locationButtons = []; for (const location of locations) { const lat = Number(; const lng = Number(location.lng); const latlng = new google.maps.LatLng({ lat, lng }); bounds.extend(latlng); coordinates.push(latlng); const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: latlng, map: }); markers.push(marker); locationButtons.push(this.createLocationButton(location)); } this.markers = markers; const setBounds = () => {; }; setBounds(); window.addEventListener('resize', setBounds); const zoom = ( || 10) - 1;; // render locations list = 'grid'; this.locationsElement.innerHTML = locationButtons.join(''); const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#mainProductMap__locations .giftory-google-map-v2__location-btn'); if (buttons) { for (const button of [...buttons]) { button.addEventListener('click', () => { const lat = Number(button.getAttribute('data-latitude')); const lng = Number(button.getAttribute('data-longitude'));{ lat, lng });; }) } } }, };

Practical information

Any restrictions to participate?

  • Age: All ages are welcome.

Who can you accommodate for?

  • Children: Children 2 and under who do not require a seat and will be sitting on a parent's lap or held for the performance do not require a ticket. Guests 3 and up or small children who will be sitting in their own seat will need a ticket.
  • Individuals with disabilities: The theater has accessible seating in all showrooms and can make other seating accommodations as needed. They can provide aisle seating within the regular sections and have specially designated seats for wheelchairs and mobility scooters where guests may choose to remain in their own seats or transfer to a chair.
  • Pets: Sorry, no pets allowed, but registered service animals are permitted.

What to expect on the day of the experience?

  • Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes
  • What’s included: Admission to the show, VIP seating, and 1 beverage per person.
  • Who will be present: You will be joined by other patrons in the theater, up to approximately 200 people.
  • Spectators: No spectators are allowed, everyone must have a ticket.
  • Photo/ video: Guidance will be provided before the show.
  • Specific rules to follow: Open food is not allowed into the showroom. No outside beverages are allowed inside the showroom, only drinks purchased from the Showgirl Bar, Veranda Bar, or Saxe Lounge may be brought into the shows.

How to prepare?

  • Weather dependency: This is an indoor experience.
  • Arrival: Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes in advance.
  • Parking: There is self-parking and valet-parking available at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.
  • What to bring:
    • Valid government issued identification to purchase alcohol and verify your tickets.
    • The theater allows guests to bring in purses, backpacks, and shopping bags as long as they will fit with you in your seat. They do not hold bags for guests.
  • Restrooms: Restrooms are available at the theater.

Full description

Step into the timeless world of the Carpenters with "Carpenters Legacy," the only tribute show that brings the famed duo's music to life with such authenticity. Picture this: Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps, yet the room hushes the moment Sally Olson and Ned Mills take the stage. It's not just any performance; it's a journey through the Carpenters' greatest hits, filled with live music, laughter, and a dash of nostalgia. VIP seating ensures you're up close and personal with the magic, each note, and every beat of Karen's drum solo, while a complimentary drink in hand just adds to the experience. This isn't just a show; it's a revival of the Carpenters' legacy, wrapped in the warmth of their timeless tunes.

Returns, exchanges and cancellation

Unused Experience Vouchers can be returned within 30 days for a full refund to the original purchaser, no questions asked.

If you have any unused Experience Vouchers, you can exchange them for anything else in our marketplace, no matter when. If you choose an experience that's more expensive, you'll need to pay the difference, but if you choose one that costs less, you'll receive a credit towards your next booking.

No refunds are allowed once the experience is booked, but you can reschedule up to 24 hours before your experience, for a date within a year of the original booking. To reschedule, contact the experience provider directly. No-shows or rescheduling less than 24 hours in advance means losing the value of your experience.


Payment methods

Buy now, pay over time with

How it works

Find the perfect gift experience

Receive a voucher that never expires

Choose your preferred date & time

Make new memories!

Here's what others have to say!


Based on 0 reviews

Lisa J.

The show was so amazing! Definitely a highlight for anyone visiting Vegas.

Nancy Z.

This was such a unique experience that stood out as a must-see!!!

Brian E.

Attending this show made for an intriguing and memorable evening, showcasing the diverse entertainment Vegas has to offer!! We loved every second!

VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (7) VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (8)

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VIP Ticket to Carpenters Legacy Show with Drink | Las Vegas | Nevada | Giftory (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.